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The village of Khari Sharif is located in Azad Kashmir, between the cities of Mirpur and Jhelum. Also known as Khanqah Pira Shah Ghazi it is the resting place of many great awliya allah including Hazrat Pira Shah Ghazi Qalandar Damri Wali Sarkar (RA) and Hazrat Mian Muhammad Bukhsh (RA). Known for centuries as a centre of learning of spiritual knowledge. Today it is the home of living saints and seekers of knowledge who flock to Khari Sharif to gain blessings and to learn at the feet of those who maintain the traditions of the spiritual masters.


Confirming the importance and location of Khari Sharif for a seeker of knowledge,

Mian Muhhamad Buhksh in his book Saif Ul Malook wrote:


North of Jhelum and South of Mirpur              In the land of Khari, the seeker shall find me


A renowned sufi saint whose immense love for Ghous e Azam Sayyiduna Shaykh Abdul Qadir Gaylani, (RA) led him to be amongst those in the highest ranks of the awliya. Known as Damri Wali Sarkar across the world he was one of only a few to attain the status of Qalandar. 


A world famous Hanafi Qadri scholar and poet of the highest order. He is known in many parts of the world as Rumi e Kashmir due to his literary works. This path lead him to become a sufi saint following in the footsteps of his spiritual master Hazrat Pira Shah Ghazi Qalandar (RA)


From the family of Hazrat Mian Muhammad Bukhsh (RA) he has devoted his life to the awliya and having visited and received blessings from these esteemed spiritual grandmasters, he is the current rightful Sajjada Nasheen of Khari Sharif Darbar.


This is one of our many videos that have been created in order to cover a wide range of topics regarding Khari Sharif Darbar and the personalities resting there. This video content is designed to give the seeker of knowledge a factual understanding of the true message of the saints at Khari Sharif Darbar.


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